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Williams T, Aljitawi OS, Moussa R, McHugh S, Dusing R, Abraha J, et al. First case of donor transmitted non-leukemic promyelocytic sarcoma. Leukemia & Lymphoma. 2012;53(12).
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Goldaracena N, Wolf MM, Quinonez E, Anders M, Mastai R, McCormack L. Is it safe to use a liver graft from a Chagas disease-seropositive donor in a human immunodeficiency virus-positive recipient? A case report addressing a novel challenge in liver transplantation. Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society//Liver Transpl. 2012;18(8):979-83.
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Schlosser B, Stein A, Neuhaus R, Pahl S, Ramez B, Kruger DH, et al. Liver transplant from a donor with occult HEV infection induced chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis in the recipient. Journal of hepatology//J Hepatol. 2012;56(2):500-2.
McCormack L., Quinonez E., Goldaracena N., Anders M., Rodriguez V., F. Ganem O, et al. Liver Transplantation Using Chagas-Infected Donors in Uninfected Recipients: A Single-Center Experience Without Prophylactic Therapy. Vol 12.; 2012.
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Johnson ST, Cable RG, Leiby DA. Lookback investigations of Babesia microti-seropositive blood donors: seven-year experience in a Babesia-endemic area. Transfusion// Transfusion. 2012;52(7):1509-16.
Haagerup A. A mosaic sperm donor fathers a large group of half sibs with NF1. Rapid Response Re: Danish sperm donor passed neurofibromatosis on to five children . BMJ. 2012;345.
Tomblyn M, Chen M, Kukreja M, Aljurf MD, F Mohareb A, Bolwell BJ, et al. No increased mortality from donor or recipient hepatitis B- and/or hepatitis C-positive serostatus after related-donor allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Transpl Infect Dis. 2012;14(5):6.
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Ariza-Heredia E., Patel R., Blumberg E., Walker R., Lewis R., Evans J., et al. Outcomes of transplantation using organs from a donor infected with Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC)-producing K. pneumoniae. //Transpl Infect Dis. 2012;14(3):229-236.
Mejia R., Booth G., Fedorko D., Hsieh M., Khuu H., Klein HG, et al. Peripheral blood stem cell transplant-related Plasmodium falciparum infection in a patient with sickle cell disease.. Vol 52. United States; 2012. (Transfusion; vol 52; no 12).
Brown JH, Tellez J, Wilson V, Mackie IJ, Scully M, Tredger MM, et al. Postpartum aHUS secondary to a genetic abnormality in factor H acquired through liver transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2012;12(6):2.
