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Mislabeled units of umbilical cord blood detected by a quality assurance program at the transplantation center. Blood. 2009;114(8):4.
Mixed Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria in orthotopic liver transplant recipient. Transplantation. 2009;88(2):288.
Mixed Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria in orthotopic liver transplant recipient. Transplantation. 2009;88(2):288.
Passenger lymphocyte syndrome with or without immune hemolytic anemia in all Rh-positive recipients of lungs from rhesus alloimmunized donors: three new cases and a review of the literature. Transfusion medicine reviews//Transfus Med Rev. 2009;23(2):134-45.
Prevalence of hepatitis E virus infection in liver transplant recipients. Liver Transpl. 2009;15(10):5.
Probiotic-associated high-titer anti-B in a group A platelet donor as a cause of severe hemolytic transfusion reactions. Transfusion//Transfusion. 2009;49(9):1845-9.
Prospective evaluation of the threat related to the use of seminal fractions from hepatitis C virus-infected men in assisted reproductive techniques. Hum Reprod. 2009;24(3):530-5.
Risk of contamination of germplasm during cryopreservation and cryobanking in IVF units. Hum Reprod. 2009;24(10):2457-67.
Safety and efficacy of hematopoietic stem cell collection from mobilized peripheral blood in unrelated volunteers: 12 years of single-center experience in 3928 donors. Blood. 2009;114(18):3757-63.
Severe hemolytic anemia post-renal transplantation produced by donor anti-D passenger lymphocytes: case report and literature review. Transfusion medicine reviews//Transfus Med Rev. 2009;23(2):155-9.
Severe neurotoxicity associated with dimethyl sulphoxide following PBSCT. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2009;44(5):323-4.
Strongyloidiasis in transplant patients. ClinInfectDis. 2009;49(9):1411-1423.
Surgical complications after living donor liver transplantation in patients with biliary atresia: a relatively high incidence of portal vein complications. Pediatr Surg Int. 2009;25(9):745-51.
Swine H1N1 influenza in a post liver transplant patient. N Z Med J. 2009;122(1304):107-11.
Synchronous development of acute myeloid leukemia in recipient and donor after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation: report of a case with comments on donor evaluation. Transfusion. 2009;49(3):555-62.
Treatment of Strongyloides stercoralis hyperinfection-associated septic shock and acute respiratory distress syndrome with drotrecogin alfa (activated) in a renal transplant recipient. Transpl Infect Dis. 2009;11(3):277-80.
Two red eyes and one asymptomatic donor. Lancet. 2009;374(9703):1792.
Use of hearts transplanted from donors with severe sepsis and infectious deaths. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2009;28(3):260-5.
2008 Guidelines for gamete and embryo donation: a Practice Committee report. Fertil Steril. 2008;90(5 Suppl):S30-44.
Acute myocardial infarction following transfusion reaction. Singapore medical journal//Singapore Med J. 2008;49(4):e101-3.
Acute T cell lymphoblastic leukemia in the recipient of a renal transplant from a donor with malignant lymphoma. Acta Haematol. 2008;119(3):187-9.
Allergic reaction to a bovine dural substitute following spinal cord untethering. Case report. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2008;1(2):167-9.
The American Red Cross donor hemovigilance program: complications of blood donation reported in 2006. Transfusion//Transfusion. 2008;48(9):1809-19.
The American Red Cross donor hemovigilance program: complications of blood donation reported in 2006. Transfusion//Transfusion. 2008;48(9):1809-19.
Aortic allograft valve reoperation: surgical challenges and patient risks. Ann Thorac Surg. 2008;86(3):761-768 - e2.