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Potential for expansion of the donor pool using liver allografts from donors with bacterial meningitis. Liver Transpl. 2002;8(10):977-9.
Pregnancy after safe IVF with hepatitis C virus RNA-positive sperm. Hum Reprod. 2002;17(10):2650-3.
Prolonged in vitro hemolysis of EDTA-anticoagulated blood after a delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction. Transfusion//Transfusion. 2002;42(8):1086-8.
Risk for tumor and other disease transmission by transplantation: a population-based study of unrecognized malignancies and other diseases in organ donors. Transplantation. 2002;74(10):1409-13.
The role of immunosuppression in lymphoma. Recent Results Cancer Res. 2002;159:55-66.
Salmonella sepsis caused by a platelet transfusion from a donor with a pet snake. The New England journal of medicine//N Engl J Med. 2002;347(14):1075-8.
The sclera, the prion, and the ophthalmologist. Br J Ophthalmol. 2002;86(5):587-92.
Second malignancies after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: new insight and current problems. Blood Rev. 2002;16(2):135-46.
Severe immune hemolysis after minor ABO-mismatched allogeneic peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation occurs more frequently after nonmyeloablative than myeloablative conditioning. Transfusion. 2002;42(10):1293-301.
Significant closure of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and hepatitis C virus preseroconversion detection windows with a transcription-mediated-amplification-driven assay. J Clin Microbiol. 2002;40(5):1761-6.
Soft tissue allografts for knee reconstruction in sports medicine. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2002;(402):135-56.
Sperm donor suffers years later from inherited disease. J Med Ethics. 2002;28(4):213; - discussion - 214.
Strongyloides stercoralis eggs in a urethral smear after bone marrow transplantation. ClinInfectDis. 2002;34(9):1280-1281.
Studies on the integration of hepatitis B virus DNA sequence in human sperm chromosomes. Asian J Androl. 2002;4(3):209-12.
Surgical injuries occurring during kidney procurement performed by a renal transplantation team. Transplantation proceedings// Transplant Proc. 2002;34(3):844.
Surgical techniques in right laparoscopic donor nephrectomy. J Am Coll Surg. 2002;195(1):131-7.
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: a survey of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT). Br J Haematol. 2002;118(4):1112-9.
Tissue resonance analysis; a novel method for noninvasive monitoring of intracranial pressure. Technical note. J Neurosurg. 2002;96(6):1132-7.
Transfer of vitiligo after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2002;46(4):606-10.
Transplant tumor registry: donors with central nervous system tumors1. Transplantation. 2002;73(4):579-82.
Transplantation without steroids. Transplant Proc. 2002;34(6):2076-8.
Transplanting kidneys from donors with prior hepatitis B infection: one response to the organ shortage. J Nephrol. 2002;15(6):605-13.
Two cases of a penetrating keratoplasty with tissue from a donor who had undergone LASIK surgery. Cornea. 2002;21(1):111-3.
Is type 1 diabetes transmissible by bone marrow allograft? Diabetes Care. 2002;25(4):799-800.
Update: allograft-associated bacterial infections--United States, 2002. MMWR MorbMortalWklyRep. 2002;51(10):7.