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Donor origin of de novo hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatic allografts. Transplantation. 2003;76(5):871-3.
Donor site morbidity after anterior iliac crest bone harvest for single-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2003;28(2):134-9.
Donor-related coccidioidomycosis in organ transplant recipients. Clin Infect Dis. 2003;37(9):1265-9.
Effects of hepatitis B virus infection on human sperm chromosomes. World J Gastroenterol. 2003;9(4):736-40.
Factors predicting peripheral blood progenitor cell collection from pediatric donors for allogeneic transplantation. Haematologica. 2003;88(8):919-22.
Fatal melanoma transferred in a donated kidney 16 years after melanoma surgery. N Engl J Med. 2003;348(6):567-8.
G-CSF-induced spleen size changes in peripheral blood progenitor cell donors. Transfusion. 2003;43(5):609-13.
Herpes simplex virus DNA in corneal transplants: prospective study of 38 recipients. J Med Virol. 2003;71(1):69-74.
High incidence of incidental hepatocellular carcinoma exists among hepatitic explanted livers. Transplant Proc. 2003;35(1):350-1.
Hormonal resuscitation yields more transplanted hearts, with improved early function. Transplantation. 2003;75(8):1336-41.
Iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease subsequent to dural graft: persisting risk after 1987. EurJNeurol. 2003;10(5):1.
Identification of hepatitis B virus vertical transmission from father to fetus by direct sequencing. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2003;34(1):106-13.
If the donor had an early-stage genitourinary carcinoma and the liver has already been implanted, should we perform the transplantectomy? Liver Transpl. 2003;9(12):1281-5.
Intermittent detection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in semen from men with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and HCV. J Med Virol. 2003;69(3):344-9.
Invasive Streptococcus pyogenes after allograft implantation--Colorado, 2003.. Vol 52. United States; 2003. (MMWR MorbMortalWklyRep; vol 52; no 48).
Invasive Streptococcus pyogenes after allograft implantation--Colorado, 2003. MMWR MorbMortalWklyRep. 2003;52(48):4.
Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients-a single-center experience. Transplant Proc. 2003;35(1):379-80.
Living donor liver transplantation using graft infested with clonorchis sinensis: two cases. TransplantProc. 2003;35(1):66-67.
Malaria prophylaxis in post renal transplant recipients in the tropics: is it necessary? Cent Afr J Med. 2003;49(40699):63-6.
Multicentric papillary renal carcinoma in renal allograft. Am J Kidney Dis. 2003;42(2):381-4.
A multiorgan donor cancer screening protocol: the Italian Emilia-Romagna region experience. Transplantation. 2003;76(12):1695-9.
Mutation of p53 in recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma and its association with the expression of ZBP-89. Am J Pathol. 2003;162(6):1823-9.
Operative morbidity of living liver donors in Japan. Lancet. 2003;362(9385):687-90.
Organ donation from children with meningitis. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2003;22(5):475.
Orthotopic liver transplantation from a donor with a history of schistosomiasis. Transplant Proc. 2003;35(8):2974-6.