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Donor screening for human T-cell lymphotrophic virus 1/2: changing paradigms for changing testing capacity. Am J Transplant. 2010;10(2):207-13.
Heritable disease and sperm donation. JAMA. 2010;303(7):617; - author - reply - 618.
Heritable disease and sperm donation. JAMA. 2010;303(7):617-8; - author - reply - 618-9.
2008 Guidelines for gamete and embryo donation: a Practice Committee report. Fertil Steril. 2008;90(5 Suppl):S30-44.
Intrathoracic organ transplantation from donors with meningitis: a single-center 20-year experience. Ann Thorac Surg. 2008;86(5):1554-6.
Living unrelated kidney transplantation from a donor with ureteral cancer jeopardizes survival of donor and recipient. Am J Transplant. 2008;8(11):2479.
Enhancing transplant safety: a new era in the microbiologic evaluation of organ donors? Am J Transplant. 2007;7(12):2652-4.
The risk of HIV, HBV, HCV and HTLV infection among musculoskeletal tissue donors in Australia. Am J Transplant. 2007;7(12):2723-6.
The incidence and importance of bacterial contaminants of cadaveric renal perfusion fluid. Transpl Int. 2005;17(11):680-6.
Successful liver and kidney transplantation from cadaveric donors with left-sided bacterial endocarditis. Am J Transplant. 2005;5(4 Pt 1):781-7.
Liver transplantation with allografts from hepatitis B core antibody-positive donors: a new approach. Liver Transpl. 2003;9(9):16.
Organ donation from children with meningitis. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2003;22(5):475.
Living kidney donors in need of kidney transplants: a report from the organ procurement and transplantation network. Transplantation. 2002;74(9):1349-51.
Potential for expansion of the donor pool using liver allografts from donors with bacterial meningitis. Liver Transpl. 2002;8(10):977-9.
Effect of storage and preservation methods on viability in transplantable human skin allografts. Burns. 2000;26(4):367-78.
Donor sepsis is not a contraindication to cadaveric organ donation. QJM. 1997;90(10):641-2.
Infection associated with the use of allograft bone from the north east Scotland Bone Bank. J Hosp Infect. 1997;35(3):215-22.
Prostate cancer transmitted in an orthotopic heart transplant. JAMA. 1997;277(17):1354; - author - reply - 1355.
Prostate cancer transmitted in an orthotopic heart transplant. JAMA. 1997;277(17):1354; - author - reply - 1355.
Successful transplantation of organs retrieved from donors with bacterial meningitis. Transplantation. 1997;64(2):365-8.
The use of liver grafts infested with Clonorchis sinensis for orthotopic liver transplantation. Postgrad Med J. 1996;72(849):427-8.
Organ selection in intensive care: transplantation of a liver allograft, including calcified cyst of Echinococcus granularis. Intensive Care Med. 1993;19(3):182.