Bone graft contamination from a water de-ionizer during processing in a bone bank

TitleBone graft contamination from a water de-ionizer during processing in a bone bank
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsFarrington M, Matthews I, Foreman J, Caffrey E
JournalThe Journal of hospital infection
Pagination61 - 4
Date PublishedJan
ISSN0195-6701 (Print) 0195-6701 (Linking)
Accession Number8904374
Keywords*Bone Banks / standards, *Bone Transplantation, *Burkholderia cepacia, *Water Microbiology, Burkholderia Infections / *microbiology, Cross Infection / *microbiology, Equipment Contamination, Great Britain, Humans, Quality Assurance, Health Care, Water Softening

An organism resembling Burkholderia (formerly Pseudomonas) cepacia was isolated from cultures taken during processing of six bone grafts. The source of the contamination was traced to a water de-ionizer; the problem had begun when procedures had been changed, so that water from the de-ionizer had been used without sterilization. Cultures of bone for grafting not only protect recipients from infection, but act also as useful controls for processes involved in bone banking.

Alternate JournalJ Hosp Infect
Notify Library Reference ID498

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